An amazing accomplishment over the Weekend of June 16th! Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 crew Captain Juan Carlos Lopez Mate Juan Carlos Martinez and Jose Gomez, and anglers impressed with landing two amazing surface Swordfish catches, one day after the other! And not only that, they caught lots of other species too.
Swordfish catches like this on the surface are a prized catch as these fish are difficult to get to bite and are rarely on the surface. Swordfish fishing like this in Cabo is usually only during a 2 month window, from May to June typically. Only a handful are caught each year for thousands of boats in the area.

Starting off the weekend Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 on Friday the 16th with anglers Abby & Taylor Day, Jacob, Peyton & Tim Cheatham and Jay Spring from Indiana aboard. The group had a day for the books, with 2 Striped Marlin Released, 1 Dorado of about 18 pounds and 1 Yellowfin tuna of about 20 lbs – all these on lures South of Cabo about 25 miles. Then, Captain Juan Carlos Lopez spotted a nice Swordfish on the surface and it took to a live green jack bait pitched by Mate Juan Carlos Martinez. The fish weighed in at 100 lbs exactly.
Next day, Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 and crew headed out again, this time with anglers Chas Kaufman & Ryan Cooksey. They had 4 Striped Marlin Released between 100 and 140 lbs each on lures and also landed a Tuna of about 40 lbs and were ready to call it a day when they spotted a Swordfish on the surface. It was around 1 pm already at this time and they went on to fight the fish for 4 HOURS before finally landing it! Everyone onboard joined in on the fight, with Mates Juan Carlos Martinez and Jose Gomez also helping out. The Swordfish weighed in at 300 pounds on the dot. The fish took to a live green jack at the 11:50 Spot.
Congratulations to this amazing team!
Book your trip at www.piscessportfishing.com
Based on the catches of Pisces Sportfishing Fleet, by Rebecca Ehrenberg