Overall Catch Success Rate: 97%
Billfish: 22%, Tuna:30%, Dorado:85% , Other:10%
This week’s fishing started off with a Dorado FRENZY, just Monday we saw almost 100 Dorado caught. We had a total of 761 Dorado caught for the fleet with hundreds of releases, respecting catch limits, catches more than doubling compared to last week. Not only this, but lots of Bull Dorado, with many over the 40 pound mark, and the largest hitting 50 pounds on the scale. Top Dorado boat, Pisces 31’ Ruthless had a jaw-dropping 151 Dorado caught, which included 122 releases. Anglers of the week, aboard Ruthless were no doubt Russ and Sterling Pangle from Mississippi. They had an incredible 179 fish caught in their six days of fishing aboard, including Blue Marlin, Striped Marlin, Tuna, Shark, and Sierra Mackerel too. For other species caught, we still had some nice grade Tuna coming through, with most fish ranging in the 30 to 50 pound sizes, with a few around the 80 pound mark. We had mostly Striped Marlin, but also saw a few Sailfish and some small Blue Marlin thrown in the mix. Only a few Wahoo caught, but of decent size, the largest on Pisces 28’ Andrea weighed in at 54 pounds.
Starting with the boat of the week, Anglers Russ and Sterling Pangle on Pisces 31’ Ruthless’ Best Day had 45 Dorado caught, with 39 of those Released. All Dorado ranged from 10 to 20 pounds and hit on lures and feathers at Migrino. Plus 1 Sierra Mackerel and 1 Triggerfish. The crew then headed to San Jaime, and found 1 Striped Marlin of about 110 pounds which took a dead caballito bait. They also landed a 220 pound Blue Marlin that took a yellow and green lure. On another day they had 41 Dorado, 35 released, all in the 10 to 15 pound range, landed at Pozo Cota – Migrino areas. They also released a Silky shark of abut 80 pounds.
And although the Ruthless was the Top Dorado boat this week, others were really not far behind.
Pisces 31’ Tracy Ann had 15 Dorado all between 10 and 15 pounds each, caught on feather lures. Angler Billy Howell released 11 of them, and went on to catch 1 Yellowfin of about 40 pounds at San Jaime Bank.
Incredibly, Sunday brought us 8 Dorado at the 40 pound mark, with the largest, aboard Pisces 28’ Andrea weighing in at 50 pounds! Angler Jiann Two Wang landed the Dorado on ballyhoo bait near Golden Gate and also landed 3 Yellowfin Tuna from 30 to 50 pounds each.
Pisces 35’ Valerie had 9 Dorado this day for Paul Baumgardner and Travis Candell, they released 3 of them, with fish ranging from 12 pounds to 39 pounds, the largest.
Pisces 31’ Ruthless had 17 Dorado this day, 11 released, also from 12 pounds up to 40 pounds, the largest, for anglers Russ and Sterling Pangle.
Pisces 31’ Tracy Ann had a 40 pounder this day, and another 11 Dorado too, also at Migrino on dead bait and lures.
Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 had one 30 pound Dorado on a blue lure at Golden Gat and Also 3 Yellowfin Tuna in the 40 pound range, for angler Billy Howell.
Pisces 35’ Knot Workin’ had 10 Dorado, 5 Released, all on lures at Los Arcos. The largest weighed in at 40 pounds! Plus 2 Yellowfin Tuna around 40 pounds as well, at San Jaime on feathers.
Pisces 42’ Caliente had 8 Dorado from 10 to 45 pounds. Fish took Ballyhoo at Los Arcos to Margaritas area, for the Gray family of anglers from CA.
The Next day, Monday, Pisces 31’ Tracy Ann again landed a 39 pound Dorado, plus 7 others, one released. This time they found them 15 miles South of the Old Lighthouse on lures and ballyhoo bait.
Billfish this week were not targeted as much, seeing as the Dorado bite was so good, but we still had some boats with some nice releases. Pisces 35’ Knot Workin had a 70 pound Sailfish released, which took to a lure near Herradura area. Angler James Ware also had 6 Dorado, 4 Released and 1 Bonita.
Pisces 31’ Rebecca had 1 Blue Marlin Released of about 160 pounds, which took to a guacamayo lure close to San Jaime. Plus one 40 pound Dorado on a pink lure.
Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 had a Blue Released of about 180 pounds that took to a green/yellow lure at San Jaime. They also had 1 Striped Marlin released of about 120 pounds on a petrolero lure. Plus 6 Dorado between 10 to 14 pounds.
This week we saw tunas thrown in the mix with our Dorado Catches, and most of very decent grade, from 30 to 50 pounds. Pisces 38’ C Rod had 2 Yellowfin 40 and 51 pounds outside of Las Margaritas on cedar plugs. Plus 13 Dorado of abut 15 pounds.
Pisces 38’ Speedwell had 1 Striped Marlin Released outside of Herradura on a black/orange lure and also landed 6 Dorado from 12 to 25 pounds each. Then 4 Yellowfin tuna from 20 to 60 pounds on cedar plugs.
And Wahoo showing up! Pisces 31’ Andrea impressed with a beautiful 54 pound Wahoo landed by Daniel and Rebecca Cushman. The wahoo took to a blue/white lure close to San Jaime and they also landed 6 Dorado between 12 and 15 pounds each on feathers at Pozo Cota.
Pisces 31’ Tiburon also had a Wahoo of about 20 pounds which took to a pink lure near Migrino. Anglers aboard also landed an incredible 30 Dorado! They Released 20 total.
Only one panga out this week, Pisces 24’ Karma, angler David Rymph released 1 Roosterfish of about 20 pounds and had 4 Dorado too. Using live and dead bait close to the Old lighthouse.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Good conditions overall, some wind 5 knots, with the highest of about 15 knots.
WATER TEMP: 84 – 88 F
BEST LURES: Live and dead bait, ballyhoo, feathers, cedar plugs
BEST LOCATIONS: Los Arcos, Migrino, Las Margaritas, Golden Gate
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Based on the catches of Pisces Sportfishing Fleet, by Rebecca Ehrenberg