Overall Catch Success Rate: 97%
Billfish: 48%, Tuna 50%, Dorado: 66%, Other: 6%
Amazing fishing in Cabo, for another consecutive week! 98% Catch Success Rate for the fleet. Numbers as follows: 343 Dorado Caught, with hundreds released as well, respecting limits. 127 Yellowfin Tuna with limits respected, and some great catches of Tuna over 100 pounds! With the largest caught of 211 pounds aboard Pisces 42’ Hot Rod. Great numbers for Billfish – 52 Releases, lots of Sailfish this week and quite a few Blues, with the largest around 300 pounds. Seven released total for the fleet, most however, were around 200 pounds each.
The best Dorado days came towards the end of the week, with boats like Pisces 31’ Ruthless landing up to 21 Dorado (10 Released) around 12 to 15 pounds each outside of the Golden Gate area. They also released a Striped Marlin here that hit on a lure. Dorado hit on cedar plugs and feathers.

This same day, Pisces 31’ Tracy Ann had 21 Dorado as well, of the same size, close to Pozo Cota and Las Margaritas, using feathers and bait. Anglers were Anthony Gonzon and Eric Braun from Texas, who released 17 of their fish, to respect limits.
On another day, Pisces 30’ Karina had 16 Dorado, releasing 8, at Las Margaritas on feather lures. Fish averaged 15 pounds.

Then on the weekend, Pisces 31’ Ruthless had 11 Dorado between Migrino and Pozo cota on feathers and dead bait for locals Christian & Jhonathan Marquina and kids, landing their first Dorado’s ever. They released 5 Dorado, respecting limits and also had 3 Skipjack for a fun half day.
Pisces 31’ Rebecca had 14 Dorado, 2 released, at Pozo Cota/Margarita area as well. Fish averaged 12 to 15 pounds and hit on feathers, plus 4 Skipjack Released.
Pisces 31’ La Brisa had 14 Dorado, releasing 7, on the weekend with fish ranging from 15 to 20 pounds, using feathers and ballyhoo bait at Migrino. Anglers Alicia and Jason Traeger from Washington also released 3 Striped Marlin as they headed out towards Golden Gate. Marlin averaged 120 pounds, and hit on lures. This made them one of the Top Billfish Release boats this week. Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 also had 3 Striped Marlin Releases, their fish averaged about 130 pounds each, and were found at San Jaime Bank. They also had 3 Dorado of about 12 to 15 pounds each there, on feathers.
Pisces 28’ Adriana had 3 Billfish Releases as well, they headed 20 miles South and found 2 Striped Marlin and 1 Sailfish. Angler were Dale Hinds, Mike Mullinexand Tim Anderson. Marlin were landed on live bait, while Sailfish, which was about 40 pounds, took to a lure.
Pisces 31’ Ruthless with Sailfish this week too, theirs was much larger, a beautiful 120 pounder Released. It took Ballyhoo close to Golden Gate and anglers also released a Striped Marlin on caballito bait at San Jaime. They also found Yellowfin Tuna there, of about 40 pounds each, hitting on cedar plugs.
Also close to Golden Gate, Pisces 45’ My Way had a Blue Marlin Released of about 200 pounds, which took to a green lure. They also found 2 small Yellowfin here and 3 Dorado of about 12 pound each, close to the Lighthouse on ballyhoo.

Pisces 31’ Tiburon had a 200 lbs Blue Marlin Released, 25 miles to the 180 Spot on a green lure for Daniel Rhoades. This same day, Pisces 42’ Caliente released a nice Blue of about the same size on a guacamayo lure near San Jaime Bank. Anglers also released a Striped Marlin here of about 100 pounds, that took to caballito bait.
Pisces 35’ Knot Workin’ also released a Blue Marlin this week. They headed 15 miles South to the 180 Spot, where the 160 pound Billfish took to a guacamayo lure. Plus, 5 Yellowfin from 15 to 55 pounds each on feathers and cedar plugs.Anglers were Bryce bogle and Carmen Collins from Houston, TX.
Now for the big Yellowfin this week! Pisces 42’ Hot Rod and anglers Darryl Wodecki, James Trust and Norman Nostrum had a great day on Pisces 42’ Hot Rod when they finally landed their 211 pound Yellowfin Tuna after a two and a half hour fight! The fish hit on a pink and blue Rapala about 20 miles South, to the 180 spot. They also released a Striped Marlin of about 120 pounds on caballito bait and kept 1 Dorado.

Two days later, on Sept 22nd, Pisces 28’ Adriana anglers Colleen and Jesse had a 142 pound Yellowfin, and a few other too close to 50 pounds. The previous day Pisces 35’ Knot Workin’ headed to Herradura area and landed a 131 pound Yellowfin on caballito bait. They landed another in the same area on lure of about 50 pounds. Anglers also landed 2 Dorado about 8 miles out.
Pisces 72’ Reels N Dirt had two good back to back days with a few 120 and 150 pound Yellowfin, plus other in the 30 to 50 pound range. Topped off with a nice 50 pound Dorado on the same day too!
Most boats were landing very decent grade Yellowfin with fish ranging from 30 to 50 and even 80 pounds each. Pisces 31’ Rebecca and angler Dave Smith had 2 Striped Marlin Released, 5 Yellowfin between 40 and 80 pounds and 6 Skipjack released, all close to Herradura area. The next day, the 31’ Rebecca had 2 Striped Marlin released again plus 3 Dorado of about 15 to 20 pounds and 5 Yellowfin up to 50 pounds each for anglers Mary Burch and Steven Wilkins.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Wind picking up on some days, a high of 22 knots. But Hot weather still.
WATER TEMP: 81- 87 F
BEST LURES: Cedar plugs, feathers, caballito, ballyhoo bait. Guacamayo and green lures.
BEST LOCATIONS: Outside Golden Gate, La Herradura, 180 Spot and further South. Las Margaritas, Pozo Cota.
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Based on the catches of Pisces Sportfishing Fleet, by Rebecca Ehrenberg