Overall Catch Success Rate: 94%
Billfish: 58%, Tuna: 79%, Dorado: 41% , Other 5%
Another great week of fishing in Cabo! 94% Catch Success Rate for 82 boats out. Best catches this week were for Tuna, with a staggering 650 fish caught, meaning lots of happy anglers who have been waiting for the Tuna to show up more. Billfish catches were also good, with Blue Marlin showing up this week! We had 58% of boats releasing Billfish, mainly Striped Marlin 85 fish total for the fleet and boats averaging up to 4 Marlin Released each, while some boats had 2 or 3 Blue Marlin on the line, with up to 2 released each. Dorado catches were good too, 63 fish total this week. We also had the 26th Annual Stars And Stripes Tournament take place, with the fishing day on Friday the 23rd. Monies from the tournament went to support local Baja charities like Building Baja’s Future, Feeding Los Cabos Kids and Plasticos Foundation. Pisces crews placed in almost every category in the tournament. Pisces 37’ BBII took 2nd place in Marlin Release (with 2 Blue Marlin Releases and Striped Marlin too!) Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 took 1st place in the Tuna Division, Pisces 60’ Happy Ending 2nd Place Tuna, Pisces 40’ Coronita 1st Place Dorado. Congratulations to our anglers and crews!
Nice Blue Marlin catches: Most fish averaged 150 to 200lbs each. And we had 3 to 4 released in a day. Pisces 42’ Caliente had a 180 lbs Blue released close to Cabrillo area, which took a guacamayo lure. They also released 1 Striped Marlin and had 6 Yellowfin tuna.
Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 had a Blue around 180 lbs as well, this time about 28 miles to the 180 Spot. The fish took a purple lure and was released successfully. They also landed 20 Yellowfin tuna averaging 30-35 lbs each for anglers from Sour Lake, Houston.
Pisces 45’ My Way had a 150 lbs Blue on a nice half day trip with the fish taking a petrolero lure at the 95 Spot.
Now, Starting off with the Tuna for the week, Pisces 31’ Ruthless had 13 Yellowfin of about 20 lbs and 1 Dorado all at Herradura area for a quick day, returning to the dock by 10:30 am. On another day this week, 31’ Ruthless had 19 Yellowfin Tuna and Striped Marlin Released. And we had some great days with an early tuna bite, boats back at the dock before noon with Tuna lifts. For example, Pisces 31’ La Brisa and the Joseph family had 20 yellowfin tuna and back at the dock by 11 am.
Pisces 66’ Friday Bank had 4 Striped Marlin Released this week, for friends aboard. Later in the week they had 21 Yellowfin Tuna averaging 15 to 20 lbs on feathers and cedar plugs, 3 Dorado, including a nice 50 pounder and 1 Striped Marlin Released. An epic day for angler aboard.
Pisces 37’ BBII had 4 Striped Marlin Released this same day, all on ballyhoo as well, at the 95 Spot. They also caught 20 Yellowfin Tuna! Averaging about 20 to 30 lbs each, hitting on cedar plugs.
Fishing La Herradura area this day also, Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 had 3 Striped Marlin Released, hitting on green and yellow lures. Marlin averaged 120 to 140 lbs each. Angler John Williams also landed a 41 pound Dorado and 7 Yellowfin Tuna!
Pisces 28’ Adriana had 9 Yellowfin of around 20 lbs, again hitting on cedar plugs and feathers at Herradura. Plus a very nice 30 pound Dorado and a small Striped Marlin Released of about 80 lbs, which took Caballito live bait. All for angler Dan Helterline and friends from Montana.
Pisces 28’ Andrea had fairly bigger tunas, theirs were between 20 and 40 lbs each, with 12 Yellowfin caught total, again at Herradura area on feathers and cedar plugs. One baby Dorado released and 1 Striped Marlin Released at the 95 Spot as well for the Jeter and Kitzmann families from Texas.
Pisces 62’ Chasin Tail friends had 2 very nice Dorado, one pushing 35 pounds and the other about 20 pounds, plus 18 Yellowfin Tuna from 10 to 20 lbs each. They fished about 25 miles to the 180 Spot.
For Dorado we saw some very decent fish from 30 to 45 lbs! Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 had a 35 pound Dorado hit on ballyhoo and another 18 yellowfin towards the end of the week, all out of La Herradura.
Pisces 31’ Ruthless had a 42 pounder and 6 Yellowfin on a half day, Pisces 45’ My Way had 45 pounder plus three others on feathers at La Herradura, and 2 Striped Marlin Released of about 100 lbs each.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Some wind still showing up, dying down more toward the end of the week. Anywhere from 5 to 20 kt.
WATER TEMP: 79 – 81 F
BEST LURES:Cedar plugs, feathers, ballyhoo, various lures: guacamayo, petrolero,
BEST LOCATIONS: 95 Spot, 180 Spot, La Herradura
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Based on the catches of Pisces Sportfishing Fleet, by Rebecca Ehrenberg