Overall Catch Success Rate: 85%
Billfish: 25%, Tuna: 50%, Dorado: 20%
Fishing days started on Monday this week, with Hurricane Hillary keeping the port closed until late Sunday afternoon. We had fewer charters this week because of this as well, but still and 85% Catch Success rate for the fleet. Our top species this week was Tuna, with a few big ones coming through, of up to 180 pounds! Other Tuna caught were also of decent size: 30 to 60 pounders. Not tons of Dorado, but again, a few decently sized fish. Billfish numbers saw Striped Marlin mostly, and a few Blue Marlin as well, mostly in the 200 pound size range. None of our boats targeted any fish inshore this week, so just Pelagic species making the report this time.
Starting off with our Top Species this week, we had Pisces 31’ Ruthless kick off the week with 8 Yellowfin Tuna all good size, about 30 to 40 pounds, for anglers Amber Walling and Dustin Durkee. Fish hit on cedar plugs about 30+ miles to the 210.
This same day, Pisces 66’ Friday Bank impressed with 10 Yellowfin Tuna, ranging in size from 15 to 60 lbs each. Tunas took cedar plugs and different lures, out of San Jaime Bank area.
The big tuna came midweek though, Pisces 31’ Rebecca had a 108 pound Yellowfin caught by angels Rick Walsh. He also caught another, of about 15 pound. Landed 27 miles to the 180.
Angler Mark Chiavetta and friends aboard Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 went in search of the Big ones Wednesday and found ‘em, 2 Yellowfin, one of 140 pounds and another of 180 pounds about 20 miles to the 180. They hit on feathers and green/black lures.
Pisces 42’ Hot Rod did well with Tuna, 6 Yellowfin from 50 to 80 pounds each, hitting on feather lures.
Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 had 1 Striped Marlin of about 100 lbs, released, on a green jack bait, 38 miles out. Angler Rick Muro also had a 200 lbs Blue Marlin released and 4 Yellowfin Tuna of about 30 to 60 lbs each. And again, the next day, Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 had 9 Yellowfin Tuna between 15 and 60 pounds each on feathers and cedar plugs about 25 miles to the 210. Anglers from Yorba Linda, CA, also had a 30 pound Dorado.

And for the Dorado, we did have a few only this week, but the largest was a 45 pounder caught aboard Pisces 35’ Knot Workin on hoochies. Anglers Daniel, Brian and Walter from CA, caught another as well, of about 15 pound, all at the 150 Spot.

Pisces 31’ Tiburon with some nice Marlin Released, 1 Striped Marlin of about 100 pounds on dead caballito at the 170 Spot and 1 Blue Marlin of about 200 pounds there as well, both for angels Gibbons Cornwell from Montana.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Some leftover swell form Hurricane beginning the week, good conditions thereafter. Wind 5 kts.
WATER TEMP: 85 – 87 F
BEST LURES: Cedar plugs, feathers, hoochies, lures black/green, dead bait
BEST LOCATIONS: 25 – 35 miles South, 210 Spot