Overall Catch Success rate: 85%
Billfish 50%, Tuna 13%, Dorado 2%, Other 34%
Another good week of fishing in Cabo with Billfish catches still as the most productive. We had 51 Billfish caught and released this week total, with top boats landing between 4 and 6 Marlin each. Pisces 42’ Sea Senora was our Top Marlin boat this week with 7 Released total. Pisces 46’ La Chingona also did very well with 6 Striped Marlin released in one day. Also, another fantastic Swordfish catch for our good friend Roger Lewis aboard the “Cloud Nine” (not a Pisces vessel), who weighed a 200 pounder caught on March 31st. Roger had this fish on his bucket list since 1978 and finally landed it aboard his son’s vessel! Inshore and bottom fishing catches continue to be good – Pisces 28’ Andrea did well with Billfish and inshore for all species, with one of the biggest Snappers caught too, a 40 pounder for father and daughter anglers Hannah and Larry Simmons. Other species caught include Sierra Mackerel, Bonita, Sheepshead, Ladyfish, Grouper, Triggerfish, etc.

The Foutz and Norris families did very well to release 4 Striped Marlin on Pisces 42’ Sea Senora beginning the week, Marlin weighed between 100 and 140 lbs each approx, all taking live caballito bait close to Punta Gorda. The next day Frank Cvar and friends went 2 for 6 on Striped Marlin released, this time averaging 120 lbs each and taking mackerel and caballito at the 11:50 Spot.

Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 released 4 Striped Marlin in one day for the Hyland family from Florida. Fish hit on mackerel and ballyhoo bait at the 11:50 Spot.
Pisces 31’ Tiburon and anglers Chris Bell and Ryan Winter released 4 Striped Marlin also at the 11:50 Spot, all on caballito bait, with Billfish averaging about 130 lbs each.
Pisces 28’ Andrea again, with 4 Striped Marlin for Kyle Swanson and Susan Stack from Oregon. They used mackerel at the 11:50 Spot and outside of Santa Maria.
The only Dorado caught this week was by Pisces 40’ Chasin Tail II and anglers from California, who also released one Striped Marlin. The Dorado was about 10 lbs and hit on a flying fish lure about 30 miles South. Marlin took dead caballito in the same area, and was about 110 lbs. On another day, Pisces 40’ Chasin Tail II released 3 Striped Marlin as well.

On their best inshore day, Pisces 28’ Andrea had 8 Grouper, 15 Ladyfish, 1 Sheepshead and 1 Triggerfish, plus 5 Red Snapper with the largest of about 40 lbs! All fish were caught near Migrino, chumming.
Pisces 28’ Adriana did well on a half day with 8 Sierra Mackerel and 6 Bonitas all on hoochis out of Migrino for the Denning family.

Pisces 31’ Rebecca had 1 Sierra Mackerel, 8 Bonita and 1 Grouper and 2 Red Snapper, close to Los Arcos.
Pisces 35’ Valerie had 7 Sierra Mackerel, 2 Bonita, 9 Red Snapper and 1 Skipjack for James Harris and Karim Rionda.
LOCATION: 1150 Spot, Migrino, Los Arcos
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Overall Calm seas, a little midweek, sunny skies.
BEST LURES: Live and dead caballito and mackerel, ballyhoo, chum, hoochies.