Overall Catch Success rate: 93%
Billfish Catch Success Rate 53%, Tuna 23%, Dorado 40%, Other 19%
Incredible fishing continues in Cabo with excellent catch success rates for the fleet and CRAZY numbers of Marlin caught and released just in this week.

We had 899 Marlin Released Total! We also had 141 Dorado caught, 192 Yellowfin Tuna and 56 in the “other” category which includes species like Sierra Mackerel, Thresher and Hammerhead Sharks, Grouper, Wahoo, Bonita and Skipjack.
Top Marlin boat this week was Pisces 37´BBII, Captained by Osiel Winkler with Mate Joel Cota. They released an incredible 361 Marlin over 7 days. Their best day they released 110 Marlin for angler Lars Losee on January 4th. Mr. Losee also fished aboard Pisces 46´ La Chingona this week, and released another 78 Striped Marlin and landed 5 Dorado! Marlin averaged anywhere from 70 to 120 lbs each and all took live mackerel bait. Dorado averaged between 15 and 20 lbs each. The previous day and with only two anglers Pisces 37′ BBII & our 30 year Pisces Angler David Palmer and friend Mark Muncy had 106 Marlin released between 100 to 120 lbs each plus 2 Dorado.

More from Pisces 37´ Viking BBII, January 2nd, 65 Striped Marlin Released, this day averaging up to 190 lbs each for anglers Dax, Scott and Travis from Texas.
Our brand new 72´ Viking Reels N Dirt had 100 Striped Marlin and 18 Dorado over their two days of fishing the Finger Banks for anger Timothy Eck and friends.

Angler Fritz Stiles and friends decided to fish two days, one at the Finger Bank aboard Pisces 46´ La Chingona where they released 49 Striped Marlin. And Anothercloser to home, aboard Pisces 60´ Happy Ending where they landed 3 very nice Dorado just over 20 lbs and Released a Marlin of about 120 lbs on mackerel at Golden Gate.
Standard boats have also been doing very well at the Finger Banks. With boats like Pisces 30´ Karina with Capt Orlando Murillo releasing 30 Striped Marlin in a few hours, plus 7 Dorado caught of about 15 lbs each for the McGregor Family aboard.

Pisces 31´´ Ruthless 20 Striped Marlin between 110 and 130 lbs each on live mackerel bait, plus 5 Dorado between 15 and 30 lbs each, for anglers from North Dakota.
Closer to home fishing was also good with boats like 28´ Adriana releasing 2 Striped Marlin and landing 2 Dorado and 12 Yellowfin Tuna. All were caught at the San Jaime Bank, for anglers Mark de La Garza and Scott Smith.

Pisces 38´ C Rod had another good week closer to Cabo with 5 Marlin Released and 5 Dorado, all on mackerel close to La Brecha area. On another day they headed out to the finger bank Releasing 30 Marlin and taking home some nice sized dorados.
Dorado accounted for 40% of catches this week, with many fish averaging between 20 and 30 lbs.

Tuna this week were tough to find but those that did averaged anywhere between 10 and 15 tunas each, although not very big ones, the bite was still fun for our anglers. Pisces 66´ Friday Bank had 10 Yellowfin and also released 1 Striped Marlin of about 100 lbs outside of the Old Lighthouse and kept 1 Dorado of about 35 lbs at San Jaime, where they also landed all tunas on cedar plugs. The next day 66´ Friday Bank hooked up on a nice Blue Marlin, but lost it during the fight; Still pretty cool to see an outside season Blue on the line. And crew still managed to land 6 Yellowfin of about 15 lbs each.

Pisces 31´ Tiburon also landed 10 yellowfin at San Jaime on cedar plugs, with fish averaging 20 lbs each. Equally, this same day, Pisces 31´ Tracy Ann landed 11 Yellowfin last San Jaime and Released a Striped Marlin on mackerel too.

In our ¨Other Category we saw quite a few nice shark species, with again some Hammerhead and Thresher Sharks around. We had 8 Threshers caught in one day for the fleet, which is very unusual for us, especially this time of year. All sharks were safely released! Pisces 42´ Sea Señora caught 3 Threshers, all on Live Mackerel at the Golden Gate Bank, averaging about 150 lbs each. They also Released 6 Striped Marlin there, which averaged between 100 and 110 lbs. Pisces 31´ Rebecca released 1 Hammerhead on mackerel bait at the Golden Gate, of about 120 lbs, plus they released 1 Striped Marlin and had 3 Dorado.

Pisces 66′ Friday Bank
Plus, we had more Sierra Mackerel Inshore and some decent Wahoo although not many, they reached up to 50 lbs each! Pisces 30´ Karina had 7 Sierra Mackerel on a half day for their inshore fishing trip.
LOCATION: Golden Gate Bank, San Jaime Bank, Finger Bank and Inshore Old Lighthouse to Migrino.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Overall calm seas, winds on some days tapering off by midday – between 5 and 10 mph.
BEST LURES: Mackerel, Cedar Plugs.